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About D. L. Keur, Author
Publishing since the last couple of decades of the 20th Century, and self-publishing since 2013, I now choose to independently publish, enjoying the freedom and the control it gives me over my work. As an independent author, I write all kinds of books — novels and short stories, but some non-fiction, too. Usually, I write under several of my numerous pen names, like E. J. Ruek, C. J. “Country” James, plus "space fiction" under the name, Aeros. With the release of The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries, I decided to write as myself, mostly because many of the dogs included in these crime and search-and-rescue dog novels have been personal to my life.
As an author who delights in writing stories that I myself would want to read, The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries are the first novels and series of novels that I’ve written under my real name. For decades, I’ve cloaked my identity under pen names, even once deciding to self-publish instead of continuing the traditional publishing route. Convinced to by another author who has become a close friend and writing confidante, I decided to unveil my identity and allow readers to connect me with some of my fiction work.
Writing is my passion. Though, among other things, I’m an artist and musician, writing novels is where I lose myself in The Zone, immersed for hours, even, days, into the worlds that birth themselves in my brain to emerge out my fingertips. May you enjoy the results of my creative travels as much as I.
D. L. Keur, author of The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries
For Those Wondering ...Yes, More Books are Coming!


RELEASED: Dec 20, 2023
An angry mother, two missing persons, and it’s personal. Jessie and her dogs are on a cold trail.
It’s coming Christmas in the Bitterroots when cross country skiers turn up lost, and Jessie and her dogs are on a cold trail as acts of vengeance begin to mar the peace. Kidnapping, arson, and attempted murder pit Jessie Anderson and Sheriff Landon Reid against the elements and unknown assailants, the dogs their allies and support in fending off the acrimony of revenge.
The story of a woman and her beloved search and rescue dogs who, working together, save lives.
AUTHOR’S NOTE TO HER READERS: You’ve asked repeatedly, and I’ve listened. So, here, in this tale of Christmas, I share with you some of the secrets held so close by both families, the Andersons and the Reids. Not all things do I share, but things that I would normally have, over the course of the series, just dropped in passing, things I might have only alluded to, I have, for you, exposed—a bit of the backgrounds of the what and why both Jessie and Landon have their scars …along with their aspirations, determination, and strength.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And--spoiler alert--yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book, either. :) )
NO AI content, guaranteed. All original D. L. Keur.

RELEASED: Nov 5, 2023
Jessie's dogs are hot on track when unknown assailants hit the Bitterroot.
Three shots, two hunters near death from blunt force trauma delivered by an unknown attacker ...or two ...or more. Somebody is hunting hunters ...with high-powered, customized paintball rifles. An anti-hunting campaign? That's what it seems. And the assailants carry real guns, too.
When two Search and Rescue personnel out endurance training are also hit, that makes it personal for Jessie. Yet another attack leaves multiple victims critically injured, and one dead—same MO. Now it's murder.
Conspiracy, murder, and mayhem pit Jessie and her dogs, along with Sheriff Landon Reid and his deputies against attackers playing a dangerous endgame.
The story of a woman and her beloved dogs determined to save lives, no matter the odds.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And--spoiler alert--yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book, either. :) )
NO AI content, guaranteed. All original D. L. Keur.

RELEASED: July 12, 2023
AVAILABLE AT AMAZON IN EBOOK (3.99) and PRINT. Also available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited!
Jessie & her dogs step right into the crosshairs of the desperate.
Missing kids, a missing mom, and a headless cadaver confound the Office of the Sheriff and lead Jessie and her dogs deep into the wilderness in search of someone determined not to be found. But the kids are there. So is the killer.
The story of a woman and her beloved dogs who keep on trying, though time is running out.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And--spoiler alert--yes, dear reader, absolutely no dog dies in this book, either.)
NO AI content, guaranteed. All original D. L. Keur.
NOTE TO FANS: This is an ongoing series. It doesn't stop here.
For those of you wondering, yes, there are many more books coming in the Jessica Anderson K-9 Mystery series. I'm working on book 7, right now. I know that everybody wants more. And there are more. Jessie's story is ongoing Search and Rescue is ongoing, and Jessie and her dogs are skilled and dedicated to seeking out the missing! Hugs, Dawn, the author.
Dead Falls, Book 5 of The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries is now available at
The living and the dead—her dogs keep finding them.
Rape, abduction, and multiple victims dead from unknown causes confound the Bitterroot County Sheriff's Office until Jessie's dogs uncover a connection to an even bigger case. Jessie and her pack are on task and tracking, but what they're tracking could make Jessie the prime target for revenge.
The story of a woman and her beloved pack of search dogs who will stop at nothing to protect their own.
Clean, safe reading No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And--spoiler alert--yes, dear reader, absolutely no dog dies in this book, either.)
NOTE TO FANS: This is an ongoing series. It doesn't stop here. Book 6 is already in progress.Reading the series in order is recommended. The first four Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries books are available at Amazon in both print and eBook format
They are:

Death Scent
Her first mistake was calling 9-1-1.
Drones were supposed to make life easier for Jessie and her search and rescue dogs. Instead, they've made everything a lot more complicated. Her equipment confiscated, her very freedom threatened, Jessica Anderson finds herself in the crosshairs of both law enforcement and a vicious killer when her drones discover a body on the slopes of Long Peak.
When evidence points to other victims, though, it's Jessie and her search dogs who law enforcement need to find their remains. What nobody suspects, though, is that the killer is watching, waiting, anticipating ...ready.
A novel of a woman and her beloved dogs, a woman who, having fled a career in law enforcement, finds herself the target of, both, the sheriff and a murderer.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And--spoiler alert--yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book.)

Stray Trouble
Predator or prey? Jessie must decide.
Called out on a night search for two missing teens, Jessie and her pack of search dogs again team up with Bitterroot County Sheriff Landon Reid on a dangerous case involving multiple missing persons, felonious assault, and, ultimately, murder.
When Reid takes a bullet following a lead from Jessie’s snooping drones, his second-in-command authorizes a manhunt to run the fugitives to ground. Despite the risk, and against her better judgment, Jessie sets her dogs to tracking down the criminals, only to find that she and the deputies with her are in lethal danger from silent killers.
The story of a woman and her beloved dogs who step into the line of fire to save the lives of others.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And--spoiler alert--yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book.)

Grim Track
Dead or alive? Only her dogs know.
When an Alzheimer’s patient goes missing, no one thinks it’s more than a daughter’s careless mistake …except Jessica. When members of the patient’s family go missing, foul play becomes a certainty.
The Bitterroot County Sheriff’s Office and the whole search and rescue team kick it into high gear with the disappearance of Sheriff Reid and some of the last surviving family members.
The story of a woman and her beloved pack of search dogs who will stop at nothing to save the lives of both friend and stranger.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And--spoiler alert--yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book.)

Dire Traces
Her dogs keep finding them, but more keep disappearing.
A lost teen in Western Montana, four strayed hikers in Eastern Oregon, then more kids lost in Bitterroot County tests the mettle of the newly formed multi-county SAR group and stretches the endurance of Jessica Anderson and her dogs to the breaking point. When camera crews catch a rescue on film, Jessie and her dogs are put in dire jeopardy, and Sheriff Landon Reid and his deputies can't get there fast enough to save her.
The story of a woman and her pack of search dogs who risk it all to save the life of an innocent.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And--spoiler alert--yes, dear reader, absolutely no dog dies in this book, either.)
NOTE TO FANS: This is an ongoing series. It doesn't stop here.
The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries Newsletter
Signup for new release updates. A newsletter for those interested in The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries. It now ONLY comes when I've released a new book ...because it seems that, any other newsletters I send, despite their infrequency, get folks upset and then they mark my newsletter as spam ...which upsets ME since I never, ever want you to feel like I'm spamming you.