Just an update to say that, yes, Troubled Pursuit, Book 6 of the Jessica Anderson K-9 mystery series, is done. I’m doing an audio (outloud) reading of it right now, then it will be on to editors. It’s still on pre-order at Amazon, but I’m hoping it’s out by mid-July for you. And, in other news, JA 7 is already started.
Tag: Jessica Anderson K-9 Mystery
Troubled Pursuit-I’m Having an Awesome Time Writing It For You.
The book has been full of surprises for me as an author. The police procedural part got written straight through …except for the very tense ending which I tend to avoid doing until there’s no other choice …because it takes me hours to recover from the stress. (Authors, at least this author, live the scenes as they write them, so your body’s adrenaline rush gets to you.)
The book is already on pre-order and it says it has a release date of mid-August. I’m planning on a much sooner release, but we’ll see, won’t we?
Meanwhile, it’s been a real kick experiencing the ongoing SAR and HRD ops that Jessie and her wonder mutts execute, sometimes with the whole team involved. And Landon? People keep throwing wrenches into his attempt to keep an ordered life, especially his new house guest, Dr. Sol Preston!
This update happened because I just finished another scene that thrilled me!
Okay. Back to your regular activities, now, as I get back to writing. 🙂
Dead Falls, Book 5 Now Available
Dead Falls, Book 5 of The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries is now available at Amazon.com.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And–spoiler alert–yes, dear reader, absolutely no dog dies in this book, either.)
NOTE TO FANS: This is an ongoing series. It doesn’t stop here. Book 6 is already in progress.
Reading the series in order is recommended. The first four Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries books are available at Amazon in both print and eBook format
They are:
In Case You Want to Give Them for Christmas, Here’s a Box Set.
Somebody who loves The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries and wants to give them away to friends for Christmas—Thanks for the idea, Audrey—suggested I make a box set like other authors do …so I did. Unfortunately, I can’t make print book box sets. Amazon doesn’t have that capability …yet, though they say they might in the future. But I can do an eBook box set, so I did. The first three books are now available in one eBook box set that saves you money—the first three books for only $9.99. Enjoy.
Yes, Book 5 is in the Works. The Series Continues.
I keep getting asked—and thank you for asking in the comments and via email, because there isn’t any way for me to communicate with readers on Amazon, anymore—the series continues …because Jessie’s life with her SAR dogs continues. Book 5 is in the works, and there are presently 12 books planned, with a 13th sketched.