Latest News from the Author

I had to get out and clean some crusted snow and ice off, so writing time got reduced to a couple of hours only.  In good news, we passed our fire inspection so the new furnace is now legal.  (Murphy’s Law: If the furnace is going to go out, despite being only six years old, it will wait until the temperature plunges into the subarctic zone …which it did.)

In other good news, and in the realm of writing and novels, Lisa Baarns, one of my book narrators, just finalized Night Trouble and so we’re waiting on ACX/Audible to approve the audio book for release.  Happy day.  Here’s a sample of the audio book!

Night Trouble by D. L. Keur Audiobook cover
Copyright 2025 D. L. Keur,

Critical Traces, JA Book 10 Released Nov. 29, 2024

Critical Traces, Book 10 of The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries

Critical Traces: A Jessica Anderson K-9 Mystery (The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries Book 10)

eBook: FREE on Kindle Unlimited, $3.99 to buy, Print $13.99 (14pt type for easy reading)

A land use war puts Jessie, her dogs, and the entire SAR group in the middle of mayhem and murder.

An injured horseback rider, then two missing ATVers, a gunshot through the engine of one of the machines–thus begins a strange series of wildland trail incidents, all of them on the county’s public lands. When a calamity in a public park brings death and injury due to sabotage of a viewing platform, Sheriff Landon Reid shuts down all public lands. And the incidents stop …only to start again when the trails are reopened for public enjoyment and recreation.

Hikers are hurt, mountain bikers are shot, users of off-road vehicles are found injured or dead, ATVers crushed under their machines when trails are purposely changed to lead to danger, and the sheriff’s office knows they’ve now got a land use war going on, one that puts Jessie, her dogs, and the entire Search and Rescue group in the middle of mayhem and murder.

The story of a woman and her beloved SAR dogs who push their every limit to save the guilty and the innocent.

Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.

(And–spoiler alert–yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book, either. 🙂 )

NO AI content, guaranteed (and no ghost writers)–never. All original D. L. Keur.


I was asked to read this prior to its publication. I was hesitant. Then, learning what the story was about in a candid talk with D. L. Keur, the author, I went ahead. I’m a horsewoman and dog owner. I’ve lived here in Virginia my whole life, ridden horseback with my father, mother, grandfather, and with my kids. And then, mostly because of a few selfish people, I found myself banned from using trails that, for generations horsemen, including my grandfather and my father, have maintained and used. I am so heartened that somebody–this author–is bringing this to the attention of everyone she can, because our efforts to stop and reverse these decisions banning horseback riders and even dogs have fallen on deaf ears. Thank you, Ms. Keur, for writing this book. …Oh, and, hold onto your socks when you read this book, because it’s incredible. —Sam (Samantha) Miller, horsewoman, wife, proud mother, dog lover, and reader


Troubled Pursuit, Book 6 of the Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries

Troubled Pursuit, Book 6 of the Jessica Anderson k-9 Mysteries
Copyright 2023 D. L. Keur, and

RELEASED: July 12, 2023

AVAILABLE AT AMAZON IN EBOOK (3.99) and PRINT.  Also available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited!

Jessie & her dogs step right into the crosshairs of the desperate.

Missing kids, a missing mom, and a headless cadaver confound the Office of the Sheriff and lead Jessie and her dogs deep into the wilderness in search of someone determined not to be found. But the kids are there. So is the killer.

The story of a woman and her beloved dogs who keep on trying, though time is running out.

Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.

(And–spoiler alert–yes, dear reader, absolutely no dog dies in this book, either.)

NO AI content, guaranteed. All original D. L. Keur.

NOTE TO FANS: This is an ongoing series. It doesn’t stop here.


Mysteries are mental mazes, and this one had me going …and going. First, I couldn’t see the connection …and, even when the characters made the connection for me, it took till the end for me to slap my forehead and groan. Well done, D. L. Keur. And, as usual, the book tears at your heart and makes you laugh, too. And then, of course, there’s the consequences to BOTH my dog’s and my diet. The food!! Beware the food scenes! —L. L. Alexander, freelance editor

I am so glad that somebody believes in good and, no matter what, kept going to find the missing. I was so afraid, but, when the end came, the rewards were worth the nail-biting tension. A really good read! —Joanne Robinson, mystery lover

I think what I like best about this author’s work is that the handling is consistently real. I went back and read the first four that I had not read before being asked to beta read number 5, Dead Falls, and reading that in beta, before editing, I was hooked. So when number six came my way, I jumped in. This author knows her world, her characters, and the life and story situations are so real it makes one wonder if this isn’t actually non-fiction dressed as fiction. I really feel like, were I to travel to Idaho and chase them down, they’d be there real-time. Troubled Pursuit is an excellent book and a great continuation of a great series. —Mark Peterson, crime and mystery reader

Last Minute Christmas Gift Ideas for Readers on Your List.

Looking for that perfect last minute Christmas gift for the readers on your list? …Something that costs under $10 and will delight them?

Here are a few suggestions:

For the who-dun-it fans on your list, here’s a top-rated, realistic series that features a uniquely perceptive lady detective.  Written by crime beat journalist Laura Belgrave, the entire 3 book series will cost you under 10 bucks.

Buy this 3 book series for only $7.98


For those on your list who love thrillers, lots of tension, steamy sex….  Michael Allan Scott’s Lance Underphal series is the ticket.  Dark, different, intense.

Buy this 3 book series now for only $5.98


And for that animal lover who likes moving stories with feel-good endings?  Meet Warren Jeffries, DVM, and his co-stars, furred, feathered, and human.

Buy Old Hickory Lane for only $5.99


Great novels by talented, accomplished authors, all under $10, and all available at Amazon.

Merry Christmas

from Laura, Michael, and E. J.
(…Oh, and from Dawn, too.)

Gravy Days in the Country

September and October are my favorite months. Yes, there’s November looming with its scramble to batten down the hatches, but September and October are those months where summer work is mostly done, and I can sit down and simply enjoy Earth.  Sure, there’s a bit of cleanup and tidying yet to do, but, all in all, it’s time to wallow in the relative quiet of kids gone back to school, tourists gone home — a time to embrace the Gravy Days, as my mother used to call them.

Our October this year didn’t start in gravy. There was a cold foreboding to the weather that promised a very cold, hard winter.  Everybody felt it.  Then, midway through, things changed.  And we got, not Indian Summer, but Gravy Days, all the same. Last fall clean-ups in pleasant progress and, yes, finally, the roofing crew, promised in Spring, here two days before the rains come.

My biggest project prior to November is … raking the drive and the pathways in preparation for snow removal this winter, manual clean-up necessary to get the bits of branches and fallen leaves cleared so they don’t get sucked into the snow blower with our inevitable wet snow and bind up the big machine, which, if and when that happens, makes me turn the air, not just blue, but purple with my cussing.

The Roofing Job, Done Late (Very), But Done

Hand-Raking the Drive

Halfway done (the rest, already completed, is behind me)
Three-quarters done


Gravy Days Pictures