So, in 2019, I eradicated (as in completely removed) my blog. You see, it wasn’t good enough to just stick it in a corner where, supposedly, nobody would find it, even completely locked down. In fact, even setting up severe restrictions on access still threw issues because, honestly, even GoogleBot doesn’t respect ‘no admittance’ lockdowns unless you actually set things behind an .htaccess prohibition. And doing that makes some bots just keep bumping against the door. So, I destroyed it all in one fell swoop–SHIFT-DELETE–off the server …but not before saving years worth of posts, pages, images, etc. I’ve reinstalled the posts and the images–the public ones, not the private ones. And, now, there will never be anything in draft form because, guess what?, Google indexes those sitting in draft, as well, posting them to their search engine for the world to see. Didn’t know that? Neither did I. It’s because Google and all the other bots actually eat of anything in a database …which is where a CMS (that’s Content Management System, for those curious) stores everything.
But Now I’m Ba-ack!
And so are all those historic posts of mine.
Shudder at will, my friends. The self-applied muzzle is off.
Of course, it’s been replaced by an N99 anti-covid mask, but, well, that’s just thanks to a certain little virus that won’t go away and leave us alone.
Anyway, I hope you are all looking forward to me and mine, mine being my sometimes funny, sometimes serious, sometimes touching, sometimes irascible, sometimes downright obnoxious commentaries on life, living, and the state of being.
Coming to you from the North Country.