Hide It; Mute It

“I  wish you wouldn’t do that.”

Those words come often to my ears from others–particular others–others who wish I didn’t speak my mind, others who wish I didn’t post my honest thoughts about life, humans, and the world. These “others” are, to a body, very adept at not speaking their minds, not posting their thoughts, and at hiding their feelings on any given matter under palliative grunts and meaningless obfuscating verbiage…except around me. In a word, when it comes to speaking their true thoughts on something to someone who might not agree or like what they have to say, they’re wimps, one and all, preferring to let everyone think them in agreement.

Well, that’s not me, not my way–never has been, never will be. I’m the fresh air girl. I’m the “expose the mildew to the sunshine” person. I’m a believer that, when it comes to honesty about things I find to be important, say it straight and right out loud.

Now, that doesn’t mean that I think that some troglodyte with an I.Q. down in the 30’s needs to hear that they’re dumber than a fence post. However, when someone has the capacity to understand and comprehend, then, yes, they should be told the truth. It doesn’t have to be done cruelly, not unless they themselves deserve such treatment (Can you say ‘Palin’?). It does need to be said, though, especially when not saying something will result in further destructive behavior. To do less is a disservice to them, oneself, and to the world, in my opinion.

So, we don’t see eye to eye on this subject. But then we don’t see eye to eye on my hanging out undergarments to dry on the line, either. They think it’s embarrassing. I think it’s perfectly fine, not in the front yard, perhaps, but certainly in one’s own backyard. I mean, gee, everybody (of the right sex) wears bras, and absolutely everybody does wear underwear…or at least most do, right? I’m sure we’ve all seen these items before…in the stores, at least, true? So what’s so embarrassing?

Oddly enough, these same folks, and there are truly several I deal with regularly, don’t have a problem with me hanging out sexy lingerie, go figure. It’s the brassieres and underwear they have a problem with. It’s the honest opinions and sometimes controversial, even antagonizing, thoughts I speak they want muted.

Today’s Funny

So, do tell me, spammers: what does hair style info have to do with premium hotel rooms? Or, for that matter, what does replacing windows have to do with cosmetic hair removal info? Or…oh, never mind. I realize you’ve not got a clue. I just find a quick content check what the spam filters siphon off the server to be hilariously ludicrous.

Guilt Demonstration

When guessing correctly exactly what is and what isn’t yields the suspect accusing another of divulging the secrets, guilt is demonstrated.

We have, in our lifeway, a commitment to openness and honesty. Underhanded, less-than-forthright actions and intent by others often comes to our attention, not by word-of-mouth, but by acuity. When that behavior is implicated, we’ll broach it, suggesting to the suspected the possibility in a way designed to expose the culpability, and we do it openly, in a forthright manner.


In a pertinent and particular circumstance, the guilty, having received the direct question of intent, immediately chided another party, accusing that party of speaking “private things” to another…which, supposedly, in turn, came to our ears. Of course, it wasn’t true.  The person accused of loose lips with whom the guilty was collaborating hadn’t spoken to another and nothing had, in fact, reached anyone’s ears. The suspect’s accusation, on the other hand, did stir waters, the hurt feelings of the innocents driving them to verify their honor and their innocence to one and all.

The fact of the accusation proved the guilt and less-than-honorable actions and intents of the suspect by his own mouth leveling accusations on the innocent parties. Guilt will do that, you know. It makes the culpable blame innocent others as they desperately try to cover their self-exposed tracks.  (Mold and mildew hate sunshine and fresh air and desperately flee from it.)

Beware you who hold guilt within your mind and heart. Truth comes forth regardless, and accusing others of exposing your culpability often leads to you unveiling yourself to one and all.

A Quarter Inch of Joy

I was out watering my ever-bearing strawberries, and, in the process, knocked a tiny black creature — a quarter inch long little black wasp — into the rain cistern. Reaching down with a gentle finger, I scooped her out and put her on my t-shirt sleeve before finishing my task while keeping an occasional eye on her revival progress.

It took her about two minutes of rubbing herself on the soft cotton material of my shirt sleeve, then another three or so of “tidying” before she considered herself “presentable” to the world again.  Watching, I was captivated by the meticulous attention she paid to every part of herself — her antenna, her thorax, her legs, her head, her wings.  She was not hasty; she attended every detail in a thorough, methodical, and almost leisurely, never panicked fashion.  Her lack of fear, her sense of “safe”, brought me a great measure of joy — that the small creatures around me know that I will never intentionally swat, hit, squash, or harm them.  It brings me a greater measure of joy to watch these wonderful living things go about their daily business in peace and harmony with every other creature who shares their life journey.

Be kind. The life you save could very well brighten your own well-being.