D. L. Keur, author of The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries
There are now 4 Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries available at Amazon in both print and eBook format
They are:

Death Scent
Her first mistake was calling 9-1-1.
Drones were supposed to make life easier for Jessie and her search and rescue dogs. Instead, they’ve made everything a lot more complicated. Her equipment confiscated, her very freedom threatened, Jessica Anderson finds herself in the crosshairs of both law enforcement and a vicious killer when her drones discover a body on the slopes of Long Peak.
When evidence points to other victims, though, it’s Jessie and her search dogs who law enforcement need to find their remains. What nobody suspects, though, is that the killer is watching, waiting, anticipating …ready.
A novel of a woman and her beloved dogs, a woman who, having fled a career in law enforcement, finds herself the target of, both, the sheriff and a murderer.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And–spoiler alert–yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book.)

Stray Trouble
Predator or prey? Jessie must decide.
Called out on a night search for two missing teens, Jessie and her pack of search dogs again team up with Bitterroot County Sheriff Landon Reid on a dangerous case involving multiple missing persons, felonious assault, and, ultimately, murder.
When Reid takes a bullet following a lead from Jessie’s snooping drones, his second-in-command authorizes a manhunt to run the fugitives to ground. Despite the risk, and against her better judgment, Jessie sets her dogs to tracking down the criminals, only to find that she and the deputies with her are in lethal danger from silent killers.
The story of a woman and her beloved dogs who step into the line of fire to save the lives of others.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And–spoiler alert–yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book.)

Grim Track
Dead or alive? Only her dogs know.
When an Alzheimer’s patient goes missing, no one thinks it’s more than a daughter’s careless mistake …except Jessica. When members of the patient’s family go missing, foul play becomes a certainty.
The Bitterroot County Sheriff’s Office and the whole search and rescue team kick it into high gear with the disappearance of Sheriff Reid and some of the last surviving family members.
The story of a woman and her beloved pack of search dogs who will stop at nothing to save the lives of both friend and stranger.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And–spoiler alert–yes, dear reader, no dog dies in this book.)

Dire Traces
Her dogs keep finding them, but more keep disappearing.
A lost teen in Western Montana, four strayed hikers in Eastern Oregon, then more kids lost in Bitterroot County tests the mettle of the newly formed multi-county SAR group and stretches the endurance of Jessica Anderson and her dogs to the breaking point. When camera crews catch a rescue on film, Jessie and her dogs are put in dire jeopardy, and Sheriff Landon Reid and his deputies can’t get there fast enough to save her.
The story of a woman and her pack of search dogs who risk it all to save the life of an innocent.
Clean, safe reading
No sex, gore, or profanity.
(And–spoiler alert–yes, dear reader, absolutely no dog dies in this book, either.)
NOTE TO FANS: This is an ongoing series. It doesn’t stop here.
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