Okay, so I lied.  zentao.com isn’t updated.

CSS that’s “W3 compliant” sucks.  Why?  Because any script, like those doing previews at snap.com takes it and makes it look like SHIT.  My “partial remodel” job of this very old site, using div containers instead of tables, everything mapped out on a pixel grid, wound up looking GREAT in all popular browsers, from opera to firefox to IE.  It even looked good on older browsers…and on Macs.  Then I had snap.com do a “preview” of it. 

GASP!  Quick, get the OLD index back up there!


Back to tables.

About “Infinity & Beyond, Forever”

One email I got today was simply curious what I mean by: “Infinity & Beyond, Forever.”  They ventured to suggest that it sounded a bit arrogant, officious, or juvenile. 

Well, first, let it be known, I NEVER, EVER grew up.  (I’m only five-foot-five…and that’s stretching it.)  More, though, I am perpetually the curious six-year-old — always exploring, investigating, thinking about “stuff,” and observing.  My persistent question is “why.” (Used to drive my teachers CRAZY!)

Aside from that fact, here is where that comes from. I have a saying when teaching the zentao thoughtway:  “Take it to infinity, then take it beyond.”  This is a perpetual (the forever part) admonishment when exploring any posit, precept, idea, concept, ideological perspective….

So that’s its explanation.  I might change it, but, right now, in the flurry of trying to juggle running five businesses, keep up with phone calls and email, keep an eye on the servers, websites, and do some actual coding and graphic work, as well as setting up the links, look, and accessories that this blog and website needs, well, that’s lower down on my list. 😀

Accessing from Everywhere, Anytime

Toshiba laptops — I swear by them.  I can access from everywhere…almost…anytime day or night.  Good thing when you have to keep an eye on the herds and hoards of websites I’m responsible for.  Home or office, traveling or vegging out, my laptop is always handy, and my “server down” pager is always on.  That’s why I suppose this website will probably be a success.  Right now, I’m waiting for several call-backs, emails, and a program to finish rendering out a graphic, so, multi-tasker twitching with a list of to-dos that are just begging to be checked off as soon as everyone gets back to me, I’m typing here.   Here is nice, too.  I practically live on the computer, so, for me, so long as I can say whatever I want, blogging is cake. 

Does this blog seem negative?  Not meaning for it to be.  Blogging is one of those things that I’m doing now to vent my moments, which use to be typed in an on-computer journal.  Might seem all negative, but the secret for me to stay in top form, energized, and happy (and I am happy — bouncy even…which drives hubs nuts [he’s a grump]) is to always vent off my momentary grumbles.  I save the good stuff for me.  You guys can read the snarls, snickers, and snides.  😀