Today’s Funny

So, do tell me, spammers: what does hair style info have to do with premium hotel rooms? Or, for that matter, what does replacing windows have to do with cosmetic hair removal info? Or…oh, never mind. I realize you’ve not got a clue. I just find a quick content check what the spam filters siphon off the server to be hilariously ludicrous.

Want a Funny?

Want a funny? I was looking at some statistics to substantiate a position in an argument and came across some other interesting statistics.  Get these:

  • Most neo-conservative women buy Harlequin slurpy, wet panty pulp “romances”, not high quality books, despite all the “family values” rhetoric that spews forth from their brazen mouths.
  • Similarly, neo-conservative men are the most avid, if furtive, consumers of porn.

That’s an eye-opener.  I’ll never quite look at neo-conservatives quite the same ever again.  Here I thought they stuck to the bible as their main body of activity, literary or otherwise.

Pounding Her Pulpit

There’s a woman — a missionary, no less — who absolutely insists that we all sit up and pay attention to her every post, her every new self-promotional effort.  I’d can the feed if I could, but I can’t because there are good things happening in the group and there are good people in it. But every time I get another notification with this woman’s name on it, I just get this indescribable urge to hunt her down and stuff all her spam-bytes back down her throat. It’s bad of me, I know, but, gawd, some folks just have no manners whatsoever. Problem is, despite the misery she causes with her bloated self-infatuation, all these “nice” people fawn all over themselves telling her how she just floors them with her energy. It ain’t the energy that’s flooring them, tell the truth, though.  It’s the audacity!  She’s a missionary, remember, guys?  So she can handle the truth, right? (Yeah, yeah, we know she can’t, but, hey, tough, I say.) So, guys and gals, quit your fawning and tell it like it is. Tell her to shut the f— up if she ain’t got something other than her own horn to blow!