I had to get out and clean some crusted snow and ice off, so writing time got reduced to a couple of hours only. In good news, we passed our fire inspection so the new furnace is now legal. (Murphy’s Law: If the furnace is going to go out, despite being only six years old, it will wait until the temperature plunges into the subarctic zone …which it did.)
In other good news, and in the realm of writing and novels, Lisa Baarns, one of my book narrators, just finalized Night Trouble and so we’re waiting on ACX/Audible to approve the audio book for release. Happy day. Here’s a sample of the audio book!
The latest release in The Jessica Anderson K-9 Mysteries, Book 10, Critical Traces is out in eBook, Large Print Paperback, and is also available to read for free on Kindle Unlimited. This novel in the continuing K-9 SAR (Canine Search and Rescue) career of Jessica Anderson and her Wonder Mutts was released on November 29th, 2024. The story takes place during late spring/early summer in Bitterroot County, Idaho, while there’s still snow in the high country. Jessie and Landon have now been married 4 1/2 months when war breaks out between wildland trail users. Follow the track as Jessie and her dogs seek their targets, both bad guys and good. FREE on Kindle Unlimited, $3.99 to buy, PRINT $13.99
Let me introduce you to… Mike ‘Midnight’ Murphy and his dog King. This series is K-9 police procedural/crime and set in Arizona!
Mike “Midnight” Murphy has two goals in life—find his wife’s killers and let his retired bomb dog live out his days in peace. Wounded in war, terminated from Austin P.D., Mike returns home to Mogollon County, Arizona, and lands himself a job …with the local sheriff’s office. He’s back on the inside. He’s back on the hunt.
CLEAN, SAFE READING – No profanity, no gore, no sex, and NO DOGS DIE!
No AI, no ghostwriters, guaranteed. All original D. L. Keur
EDITORIAL REVIEW For me to stay up turning pages is rare. This story moves and keeps moving. It got under my skin. There is an attention to small things, an attention to details that takes you right into the scene as if you’re there, yet the story never drags, or at least it didn’t for me, despite only having one dog instead of lots like the author’s other series. And what a dog! This boy is a good, smart dog, smarter than his person. I really was hooked all the way through. Highly recommend. —Larry Hubbard, beta reader
The book is about halfway done. What’s it about? Mike is fighting off the military’s attempt to press gang him back into service while Mogollon County land owners are besieged by what seems to be destructive behavior by rowdy teens. The hidden truth is much more insidious, though.
The eBook and the print versions of Death Scent are now out and getting wonderful reviews. I’m so thrilled. The audio is in the process of being mastered by my husband, but here are chapters 1 through 4 to get a taste of what it will sound like. (The zip file is available below for those who prefer to download and listen on their own devices.)
And in other news, yes, book 2 of the series is well underway and has been since January. It’s an exciting story to write, but, like Death Scent, there are places where I find it emotionally tough.
Like I posted on FB, We need some Guinea Pigs …er …volunteers to test Ch1 of my audio book compressed to MP3. We left it full, rather than chopping out the bottom, and what I need is for you to try it on whatever device you usually listen on (phone, computer, mp3 player, etc.) then report back telling us what device you used, whether you used onboard speakers, good quality speakers, etc., PLUS a report on how it SOUNDED on your device.
Usually, the ACX specs (and, no, I will not be putting this on Audible, EVER), has the whole bass end cut back, so only the mid-range and treble are pretty much left, making the sound bright and sharp. My husband (and I agree with him) would like to keep it more natural. So, without further ado, here is a link to the page where you can either listen to it right on the interface or download the .zip file and listen to it (after unzipping it, of course) on whatever you choose.
And a HUGE thank you. We need to see if our treatment works or we, in fact, will have to cut the low mid-range and bass out.
(Put your results in the comments here or on FB here.)