So two weeks ago, cell reception died here for both me and my flip phone (I don’t want a computer in my pocket, thanks) and for my husband’s fancy smartphone. Wound up having to spend hours on the landline with Verizon tech support which kept bumping me up to the next level, then the next one after that. And they wound up putting in a trouble ticket …which netted us lots of text messages until those stopped coming in, too. Now, Forrest’s smartphone does suddenly have reception, again, but me? Nope. Not unless I walk or drive down to the highway. Then it has all sorts of connection. So, that’s where we sit. You want to contact me? It’s all email now until somebody figures out the problem …which, knowing how things go here, probably means next century.
Author: D. L. Keur
Bird Washing Day
I have some birds. All of them are re-homed here because of various health circumstances and special needs. …Like Whacky Bird, who quite literally faints at the mere suggestion of a changed routine. And there’s Dumpling who managed to break his wingtip off and almost bled to death when his owner let him out to play. Since the break left a shattered bone end and the vet had to pull some magic out of her arsenal to save him, the bird was re-homed with me because he needs special care and caging.
Oldest of them all, weighing in at 26 years of age, is Regal, a magnificent, slightly odd looking critter because he suffers a condition I call Bad Cage Disease, his early years being spent in a cage whose bars were made of zinc, not plastic coated steel. Regal has nerve damage in one foot and a ring of missing feathers around his neck, all permanent problems. He needs special supplements …which he loves, thank you very much. But, because of the nerve damage in his leg, he can’t perch up high. He’s now, basically, a ground bird, except for daily cage cleaning where he jumps up, one footed to a low perch that’s barely off the cage floor. The fact that he’s supposed to be a perching bird, not a chicken whose feathers (except for the roosters, of course) are designed to stay above the detritus, makes him prone to, (a) getting his feet covered in doo, and, (b) miring his long tail feathers and wing tips, this all despite his special bird bath which he uses daily.
So we have “bird washing day” around here where I get him on my hand, take him to the bathroom, run some warm water, and proceed to, well, wash the bird. Then comes clipping his toenails if they need it and whacking off any tail and wing feathers that are too long to stay off the cage floor. He doesn’t mind any of it, at all. In fact, he revels in it.
Whacky Bird, of course, thinks this is all sorts of trauma, and, usually, when I come back from the bathroom with Regal, I’ll find her either panting like a tired locomotive, still conscious, but unable to move, or she’ll be crashed out, unconscious, on the cage floor. (She comes to after about five minutes, and, once Regal is safely back and she can see no damage has been done to her pal, she recovers to her normal, rather obnoxious self.) Dumpling, on the other hand, will make all sorts of sympathetic noises once Regal is returned to his cage …which, Regal, being quite proud of his coiffure and freshly bathed splendor, pointedly ignores as he preens and struts.
So, there you have it. Bird Washing Day at Dawn’s North Idaho bird retirement home.
Thinks They’re Hot. They’re Not.
…What you get when you have ‘looks’, ‘sponsors’, ‘pull’, but little talent or good training.
I just listened to a bunch of performances by a self-applauding flutist of questionable talent.
Not impressed.
And, no, I won’t share name or links to their performance videos.
It makes me sad that this kind of lack of quality playing can be touted as ‘premier’.
Pernicious Impertinence
I’m part of several writing groups around the Net. Where I used to be quite active, now, mostly, I lurk, unless the forum is absolutely private, and, even then, most of the time, I offer little input. Why might that be? Well, a recent incident in a private forum will illustrate one very pertinent reason.
Somebody asked a question. Several people cautiously answered with patently safe responses, namely of asking the OP (original poster) tangential questions about aspects of their topic, a technique which neatly avoids having to actually answer. Finally, somebody was candid enough to give an on-point answer …and immediately that person got piled on by people who hadn’t even yet participated in the thread.
Because, with typical ignominy, ‘The Collective Miffed’, as I’ll call them (and, yes, there were several), didn’t like the candor and the inherent implications that underlay the truth in that answer, namely that, if you want to target the specific demographic market that the OP was trying to reach, you have to target what that demographic market wants and avoid targeting what it doesn’t.
What caused the upset among ‘The Collective Miffed’ is that, in exposing that truth, the respondent also exposed a truism about one particular, very large demographic target market, a trusim that immediately marked books authored by ‘The Collective Miffed’ as inappropriate.
Can you say pitchforks and torches, feathers and tar?
Yep. That’s what happened.
The respondent was labeled harmful and rude, never mind that he was the only person to lay it out the way it is. Darn his pernicious impertinence, y’know? Give not answers of unpopular truth to the mob, but only flowers and icing, baldfaced lies, and lots and lots of steaming [*]! .
It’s Never Safe to Tell the (Unpopular) Truth when Mob Rule runs Rampant

Yee-hawww. Got Our Taxes Done.
Doing taxes is always a stressor for me. But, hey, got it done. Everything is ready to send in. Happy camper, here.