Flush It!

Unwilling audience to a conversation, I got to listen to neighbors looking down their noses upon other neighbors.  There is an eccentric couple who live on a corner nearby, and, though their property is well-kept, it isn’t pristine lawn and flowers planted nicely in orderly rows.  It’s artistic, with a rusty frog (purposely rusty) peering out at the world from a riotous flower planting, driftwood and miscellany artfully attached to a purposely rustic fence, and, amongst other interesting touches, a disintegrating fiberglass bear set in such a way as to present an artistic statement.  (The bear, by the way, was “original artwork” done for an exhibition and auction, compliments of one of Sandpoint’s stupid tourist-draw marketing frenzies.) In other words, their yard isn’t tame, sterile, and “suburban plastic.”

I applaud these individuals on their choices. I applaud their “nerve” (as one snippy neighbor so nicely put it).  I applaud their choice to be themselves, a house that looks alive amid blocks of sterile lawns which mimic AstroTurf, and plantings that come straight out of Martha Stewart’s idea of a Stepford Wife’s Perfect Planting. *YUCK!*

Psst!  You know what REALLY irks everyone?  They can’t see into these folk’s side-yard and backyard or through their windows.  They made their place very, very private, except for the front corner yard, which, of course, is gorgeously unique, and completely obscures any nosy eyes from spying in their windows or beyond the gates.  *snicker* 

I think people ought to take their snippy attitudes and their concern about what someone else is doing in their lives, with their property, and how it looks, sounds, and IS, and stuff those thoughts back where they belong — vaulted inside their much too empty minds.  …Now, all together, folks: FLUSH! 

Ethiopia!  Crimes against humanity Bush supports & encourages

This reported today:

 INTERNATIONAL / AFRICA   | June 18, 2007
In Ethiopian Desert, Fear and Cries of Army Brutality
At the epicenter of a war pitting nomads against one of the biggest armies in Africa, villagers said they had been brutalized by government troops.

Despite horrific rapes, torture, murder, cruelty, and terror by government troops, despite mass annihilation of political opposition and demonstrators, the Bush and Cheney adminstration openly supports the Ethiopian government, writing them blank checks for NON-HUMANITARIAN aid — miliatry support. That means, folks, that Bush and Cheney are using your tax dollars to underwrite the atrocities perpetuated by the Ethiopian military, its troops and leaders, sanctioned by the Ethiopian government.  And, by using your tax dollars to do this (billions of dollars per year, by the way), that means YOU (and I) are actually responsible for this perpetration of evil. 

Journalists who report these atrocities are jailed, run out of the country and permanently banned. 

Republican’s, you WONDER why the American people are angry with you who do nothing to stop Bush and Cheney, you who simply rubber stamp their any arrogant demand?

 This is NOT the America of my father and his father.  This is NOT my America. My America stands for justice and right, not depravity as perpetrated by this sadistically corrupt administration. 

Here’s the link in case the other one fails:

Sir Isaac Newton’s 2060 End of the World Predication

Around the Internet is a story about Isaac Newton, discoverer of calculus, among other things…and, no, I won’t go into why I say discover rather than invent, is a story about him predicting that the “end of the world” would occur in 2060 A.D.. Most of the articles are blips simply stating that he did.  It took going to the isaacnewton.org website to find the “Rest of the Story.”  For those interested,
here’s the link: http://www.isaac-newton.org/update.html

No Sleep, but Lovely Wonderful Rain.

I haven’t had any sleep…well, a nap of minutes, but that doesn’t count.  Today is quiet — blissfully quiet.  Whenver it rains, the world turns quiet, and it’s GREAT.  I love the rain. I love that people stay in their homes sulking, allowing me to enjoy quietude.  It’s wonderful.

Of course, I’m a little depressed, too.  I just got wind of some more very ugly, ugly plans for the area and the neighborhood.   I need to move far, far away where no human, only nature, moves the landscape.  I absolutely abhor development of any kind.  We’re just marring the planet.  Ugly. 

Know what we need?  A world-wide virus to sterilize the entire human race and another one to attack any clones or in vitro fertilization attempts.  Until we’re down to a stable population under 1 billion world wide.  Then we need something to make sure we keep it at that level forever.