This was written in December, 1991, but I think it is just as appropriate, maybe more so, now…or, at least, maybe it shows my consummate discouragement of Americans and America even then. What most disturbs me is that this was the direction twenty years ago, and, despite all my efforts to the contrary, this malaise has become the standard.
Author: D. L. Keur
Characteristics of a Right Wing Social Conservative – the short list
They love:
* violent sports
* war
* cruelty
* watching others suffer
* hurting others
* reaping rewards at the expense of others
They hate:
* fairness
* equality
* anyone not of their particular faith
* anyone who has a different socio-political viewpoint
* anyone who has a lifestyle different than their own
* anyone not of their race
* kindness
* generosity
* peace
* tolerance
* anyone to prosper except themselves and their select circle
This, of course, isn’t a comprehensive list. Do feel free to contribute.
A Wonderful Quote
Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; nothing expands possibilities like an unleashed imagination. ~William Arthur Ward
Rude and Crude
I think it is rather rude of some people to suggest that I’m not successful enough to suit their ideals of who they think I should be. In fact, I think it’s crude.
Life Update
Life is a bit of a mess, but I’m managing…almost. Worked on someone’s bookcover which I’ll post over on my art blog later today or tomorrow when I get two breaths to “make it so,” doing a bid for a CD package, working on a leafy tee, practicing to play Zappa with Forrest in a guitar/flute duo, taking care of the home front, Mom, the animals, the plants, and trying to get up the gumption to finish a manuscript, something that’s been on hold since before Christmas. Oh, and I have to prepare invoicing. In a word, I’m scramblingly busy.