Everybody is All Sorts of Upset about Aurora, but…

It really strikes me as odd that, while everybody is all upset about the folks killed by that disturbed guy over in Aurora, Colorado, they just can’t get worked up about worse things which happen all over the world by the hand of our own government–civilians killed, tortured, maimed, and, always, forgotten or, worse, dismissed.

So twelve people got blown away by a whacko, but thousands are suffering worse everywhere else, and we just shrug it off…don’t even give it a second thought.

Why is that?



I had to laugh this morning.  Today’s Word of the Day from Dictionary.com is “dearth.”  It means scarcity, lack…an inadequate supply.

Dearth: It applies to the economies of the world, including the U.S. and it’s job market.  It applies to U.S. politics and the lack of common ground, common cause, and common sense.  It applies to our species’ levels of tolerance–the lack thereof these days–from Western societies to Middle Eastern societies to Far Eastern societies.  It applies to human-to-human and human-to-other kindness–severely lacking now in this our 21st century.  In short, the word “dearth” applies to us as our socio-political reality.

Prior to 9/11/2001, that infamous day when the skies of New York City darkened with the World Trade Center disaster, and despite the stolen election of the U.S. presidency by the pretender G. W. Bush, there was hope; there was, in fact, a growing sense of peace, prosperity, and, yes, a kinder, gentler America…which would, in turn, one trusted, lead in time to a kinder, gentler, less selfish world.

That all changed in the moment whoever was responsible for the 9/11 attack on America instigated their act (…and I still suspect those who had to most to gain–the strongest motive).  It stirred a sleeping dragon, a nest of hornets. America reacted to 9/11 with vicious determination, its people hurt and angry, the flames of their sorrow-born rage provoked and encouraged by a political agenda that desired nothing more than to feed the lucre of power and resources to itself via its industrial war machine, greasing greedy wheels with human blood.

Gone in that moment were all the gains toward a more peaceful, benevolent world–kindness, tolerance, economic prosperity, the hope of a better future for all of us. Instead, hate, intolerance, and fear dominated our national psyche, the result of which pitched us and the world to the brink of political and economic fascism–the dearth of billions for the enrichment of the few.

No longer do the voices of benevolence and kindness, of civility and tolerance, hold forth within the public ear. Instead, schisms between ideologies, theologies, and cultures, are cultivated and encouraged by gleeful profiteers, collapsing civility, solvency, and plenty, and replacing them with dearth–dearth for the poor and for the middle class, dearth for the general human populations, dearth that leads to further degradation of the world environment.

Hatred, fear and rage has replaced common sense and tolerance, a hatred and fear engineered using the power of influence to seed its seepingly insidious corruption into a vulnerable public mind that fails to grasp the agenda of the elite socio-political masterminds behind it who are bent on owning and controlling everything to the benefit of themselves–the mighty few–to the detriment and dearth of everyone and every thing else.

Dearth, a word to think on.


The Secret Republican Credo

The Secret Republican Credo: We the mega-corporations of the world do ordain and establish our goal to abrograte the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights in order to ensure our world domination of all lands, peoples and resources to the enrichment of ourselves and our bank accounts utilizing the Tea Party and the Republican Party base of misguided religious fanatics, white trash, and human lemmings. Those who oppose us will be exterminated by deprivation; those who support us will be rewarded with enslavement and life termination when we determine they no longer sufficiently contribute to our bottom line or at age 45, whichever comes first.


There’s a saying that “life isn’t fair.” Okay, in a Darwinian sense, that’s very true. It’s true because of chance and circumstance. However, humans try very hard to make things fairer…for themselves…and vehemently object to being treated unfairly by others. This objection to unfairness brought those. such as the Calvinites, who were persecuted for their beliefs in Europe and Britain to the “New World” in search of religious freedom for themselves…and went on to institute the very same, and, in some cases, more violent, persecutions against others who did not embrace their religious doctrine. Wanting fairness for themselves, they were willing to deny fairness to others. Don’t you find that hypocritical? I do (though, I don’t find it surprising.)

In Israel, the Jews, victims of genocidal persecution, in turn now persecute the Palestinians, including invidious methods of genocide– denying water, livelihood, and shelter. The Jews wanted fairness, but refuse to, themselves, be fair.

In the U.S. today, I see a great deal of this kind of hypocrisy embraced–the “I’ve got mine, and I’ll deny you yours” mentality. I find this level of unfairness based in intolerance unacceptable, yet the socio-political direction most evident through the media, in the workplace, and in interaction between people online and off demonstrates to me that we, having been purposely factionalized by power brokers playing us for pawns for their own agenda, are evermore embracing unfairness, intolerance, and injustice. I think we really need to pull ourselves up and take a keen look at who we are becoming.

No, I Won’t. Don’t Expect It.

I belong to a number of organizations which focus on varied causes, from preserving our wildlife and wilderness and stopping starvation, deprivation, and/or cruelty to preserving our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  I sign petitions, write my congressional representatives and senators, and generally participate in the socio-political process, a “process” I find fundamentally flawed and tedious, but, nevertheless, necessary until and unless a better system is implemented (something I also work toward).

More and more, I find that, instead of email campaigns and petitions, I’m asked to spend time, effort, and money to “call” my congressional reps and senators–state, local, and federal.  This is asking way too much, and the answer is “no.”  Don’t expect me to add more to my to-do list, and, if you persist in hounding me to do so, you’ll lose my support.