It’s bittersweet to hold your husband for 10 minutes after not seeing him for two weeks, then have to let him go, not knowing when and if you’ll ever see him again.
Author: D. L. Keur
A Long Night of Snow Blowing Ahead
It’s snowing. It’s been snowing. I’ve already blown the drive and county road once today. Tonight, we’ve already got 8 inches and it’s coming down fast. Right now, it’s light and fluffy–easy blowing. But the temperature is on the rise…which means it will turn heavy, and, once it turns to rain…which is predicted, you can just about plan on abject misery trying to move it. So, I’m going to start blowing it now, about halfway through the predicted amounts of 7 to 13 inches. (We usually get more than is predicted, because, though we don’t live up on a mountain, we are in a micro-snow belt. There’s this band of heavy snow micro-climate that starts about 1/4 mile to the south of us and ends about 30 miles to the north. You can pretty much figure that, yep, we’re gonna really get it tonight, and, if it ain’t up by morning, plan on spending four to six hours moving it instead of one-and-a-half to three.)
Tomorrow will be snow removal on the roofs. Luckily, I’ve got a guy coming in to do the barn, because that building is too high for me to get at. It takes using the Minnsnowta, a special roof removal tool that’s too heavy for me to handle. Forrest can heft it and loves it, but I can’t even get it up on the roof edge. I’m stuck with my high tech roof rake…which works well, but not on a high roof like is on the barn.
So, pretty much figure I’m going to be up all night, then all day tomorrow, too. Won’t be getting much else done.
No Email, What a Blessing
I usually check email several times a day. Manually check it. (I don’t just let it check itself, delivering barrages of messages that demand my attention at whim.) Yesterday and today, I’ve had to take time off from checking it, and what a blessing. But I know that, starting Monday, probably, I’ll have to begin checking it, again. Until then, I’m not sure I’ll even open up the email client. I can interact online if I want to or if I have to via G+…which is where I usually hang out…if I’m hanging out online at all.
Joy Enters My World Thanks to Dustin and Zach
I just got word a few minutes ago. My beloved husband is coming home, and he’ll be home through New Year’s and Friday, too! Why? Dustin (leader of the pack) and Zach, Forrest’s driver manager, have arranged it so that he’s taking a load up to Alberta that delivers Monday. Joy, joy, joy. He’ll be home for dinner tonight, and I’ll get to wrap my arms around him for a whole couple of days!!! Life has given me something to smile about. Thank you, Dustin and Zach of the Northwest Regional Fleet of System Transport!
Getting the New Computer, Me, & Space Sorted
This week has been spent getting the new computer sorted–installing and setting up programs and the like. And, of course, I’m not even done by half. (Last week was a wash with all the connection problems…which, for the moment, seem to have settled down some). And, of course, most set-ups I’m doing require or have to do with connecting to remote locations and my websites and server…which requires a stable (what’s that?) connection. Email has proven to be the most fitful to get settled, especially with using a local client rather than some big box in the Cloud. (Never, no, uh-uh, not and compromise my clients’ correspondence, never mind my own correspondence with friends, which, admittedly, is sparse).
I’ve also been doing a lot of thinking…which has proven somewhat sobering, a little depressing, but may mean greater productivity with more satisfying outcomes.
Oh, and we got the recording studio and its dedicated computer set-up almost done, too (That required Forrest’s expertise.) That means that I will begin recording TIAM soon, along with A Gathering of Rebels (well, re-recording them). I’ll start with short stories, first, though, to get back in practice.
Last, I set up my practice areas, which is good. For too long things have been half-baked in the music practice department.
Next week, I’ll get back to working on some art for Marva that I started on the other computer, only to have to transfer everything to this station since I’ll be vacationing that one. (It’s tired and in desperate need of some TLC.)